Paulo Dieguez Website

About this website

This website should meet the following criteria:

Contain at least four different .html pages
At least, one of which is index.html (the main page)
It should be possible to get from any page on this website to any other page by following one or more hyperlinks
Use at least ten distinct HTML tags
These should be tags besides <html>, <head>, <body> and <title>
Integrate one or more Bootstrap features
Bootstrap is a popular library via which one an beautify his site
Have at least one stylesheet of my own creation, with:
  • Five (5) different CSS selectors (e.g. tag (example), class (.example), or ID (#example))
  • Use a total of at least five (5) different CSS properties, such as font-site, or margin
Integrate one or more JavaScript features
Make the website more interactive. For example, use JavaScript to add alerts, have an effect at a recurring interval, or to add interactive buttons, dropdowns, or forms. Be creative!

Ensure that the website looks NICE!

"Indeed, what ultimately matters in this course, is not so much where you end up relative to your classmates, but where you end up relative to yourself when you began."

—David Malan, CS50